Android studio intent to open a url
Android studio intent to open a url

android studio intent to open a url

This allows triggering injection and redirection attacks resulting in leaking private data stored by the app.

android studio intent to open a url

Intents are used by internal components to communicate with each other as well as to access exported components of other applications. Our focus was on security issues involving intents - objects used for launching an operation that is to be performed by a component of the app. To do so, we leveraged Snyk Code to analyze and search for vulnerabilities in applications uploaded to the Google Play store.

android studio intent to open a url

After discovering and then publishing our findings on SourMint - the malicious iOS ad SDK - the Snyk Security Team decided to dig deeper in the Android ecosystem. Our phones know a lot about us, so it’s important we can trust them.

Android studio intent to open a url